Copyright 2022 James D. Miller

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
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// Leader Board (lB) module
// leaderBoard.js
   console.log('lB _*-*_');
// 5:11 PM Wed July 20, 2022

gwModule.js has an alphabetical list of all modules and their nicknames as added to the windows namespace.

window.lB = (function() {
   "use strict";
   // Names starting with m_ indicate module-scope globals.
   var m_leaderBoardIndex = 0;
   // module globals for objects brought in by initializeModule
   // (none)
   function initializeModule() {
      // nothing yet...
   function leaderBoardReport( lbResp, gameVersion, outputMode) {
      m_leaderBoardIndex += 1;
      let scoreCell_id = 'scoresCell' + m_leaderBoardIndex;
      let timeCell_id = 'timesCell' + m_leaderBoardIndex;
      let scoreOrTime_id = 'scoreOrTime' + m_leaderBoardIndex;
      let leaderBoardReportHTML, rankString;
      // Simplify the reporting for Jello Madness because there is only the time-based result (no scoring result).
      if (dS.demoVersionIndex( gameVersion) == 6) {
         if (outputMode != "reportOnly") {
            rankString = "On a time basis, " + lbResp.userName + " placed " + lbResp.timeSortedResults.userRank + ' of ' + lbResp.timeSortedResults.scoreCount + 
                                ", " + lbResp.timeSortedResults.winTime + " seconds.</br><br class='score'></br>";
         } else {
            rankString = "";
         leaderBoardReportHTML = "Leader Board Report: " + gameVersion + "</br><br class='score'>" + rankString;
      } else {
         if (outputMode != "reportOnly") {
            if (lbResp.userRank != 'mouse or npcSleep usage') {
               rankString = "Highest human scorer, " + lbResp.userName + ', placed ' + lbResp.userRank + ' of ' + lbResp.scoreCount + ' with a score of ' + lbResp.userScore + ". ";
               if (lbResp.timeSortedResults.winTime != '') {
                  rankString += "On a time basis, placed " + lbResp.timeSortedResults.userRank + ' of ' + lbResp.timeSortedResults.scoreCount + 
                                ", " + lbResp.timeSortedResults.winTime + " seconds.</br>";
            } else {
               rankString = "Highest human scorer, " + lbResp.userName + ', scored ' + lbResp.userScore + " (mouse or npc-sleep used).</br>";
         } else { 
            rankString = "";
         rankString += "<br class='score'>";
         // Build the toggle link that swaps the time-sorted and score-sorted tables.
         // (Note the use of the escape \ to get three levels of quotations in the following string.) 
         let scoreOrTime_string = ([3,4,5].includes( gW.getDemoIndex())) ? 'time':'score';
         leaderBoardReportHTML = "Leader Board Report: " + gameVersion + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(" + 
              "<a title = 'toggle between low-time and high-score based queries' " + 
                 "onclick=\"uT.toggleElementDisplay('" + timeCell_id +  "','block'); " + 
                           "uT.toggleElementDisplay('" + scoreCell_id + "','block'); " +
                           "uT.toggleSpanValue('" + scoreOrTime_id + "','time','score');\">" + 
              "<span id='" + scoreOrTime_id + "'>" + scoreOrTime_string + "</span></a>)" + 
              "</br><br class='score'>" + rankString;
      // Add the tables
      let scoreTable = leaderBoardTable( "score",   lbResp,                   gameVersion);
      let timeTable  = leaderBoardTable( "winTime", lbResp.timeSortedResults, gameVersion);
      // For ghost-ball pool and the projectile games, make the score-sorted table the default.
      if ([3,4,5].includes( gW.getDemoIndex())) {
         leaderBoardReportHTML += 
            "<table><tr>" + 
            "<td id='" + scoreCell_id + "' style='vertical-align:text-top; display:block'>" + scoreTable + "</td>" + 
            "<td id='" + timeCell_id +  "' style='display:none'>" + timeTable + "</td>" + 
      } else {
         leaderBoardReportHTML += 
            "<table><tr>" + 
            "<td id='" + scoreCell_id + "' style='display:none'>" + scoreTable + "</td>" + 
            "<td id='" + timeCell_id +  "' style='vertical-align:text-top; display:block'>" + timeTable + "</td>" + 
      // Find the most recent game report element (in the chat panel).
      let gameReportElement = document.getElementById("gR" + hC.gb.gameReportCounter);
      // Append the leader-board report to the game report.
      gameReportElement.innerHTML = gameReportElement.innerHTML + "<br>" + leaderBoardReportHTML;
      // Send this, the combo of the game summary and leader-board report, to everyone else in the 
      // room so they can see it in their chat panel.
      hC.chatToNonHostPlayers( gameReportElement.innerHTML);
   function checkIfInGameTable( userName, winTime, userScore, index) {
      // This compares one row from the leaderboard report to each row in the game table.
      var inTable = false;
      for (let scoreRecord of cT.Client.scoreSummary) {
         if ((scoreRecord['name'] == userName) && (scoreRecord['winner'] == winTime) && (scoreRecord['score'] == userScore) && (scoreRecord['randomIndex'] == index)) {
            inTable = true;
      return inTable;
   function timeTip() {
      let tip = 'time (seconds) to finish the game';
      return tip;
   function scoreTip() {
      let gameName = gW.getDemoVersion();
      let tip;
      if (gameName.includes('8ball')) {
         tip = '+50: win \n+15: pocket a ball \n-5: take a shot \n-10: object ball not in group \n-20: scratch the cue ball';
      } else if (gameName.includes('9ball') || gameName.includes('rotation')) {
         tip = '+50: win \n+15: pocket a ball \n-5: take a shot \n-10: object ball not low ball \n-20: scratch the cue ball';
      } else if (gameName.includes('monkeyhunt')) {
         tip = '+25: hit monkey \n+100: push monkey outside';
      } else if (gameName.includes('basketball')) {
         tip = '+100: shot rattles in \n+200: swish shot \n+300: bank shot that rattles in \n+400: clean bank shot \n+500: trick shot \n+900: super tricky shot \n+200: fling bonus';
      } else if ([7,8].includes( gW.getDemoIndex())) {  
         tip = '+200: win \n+100: pop client or drone \n+50: pop regular puck \n+10: hit a puck with your bullet \n-10: get hit by somebody else&#39;s bullet \n-1: bad shot';
      } else {
         tip = '';
      return tip;
   function leaderBoardTable( mode, lbResp, gameVersion) {
      var rowIndex = 1;
      // If no records in the report, return with this simple warning.
      if (lbResp.users.length < 1) return "(no " + mode + " records)";
      var colHighLightStyle = "style='background-color:#ffffef;'"; // #FFFFFF #e2e2b7 #f7f7d7 #f9f9e5 #ffffef
      var rowHighLightStyle = "style='background-color:darkgray; color:white'";
      if (mode == 'score') {
         var style_score = colHighLightStyle;
         var style_winTime = "";
         var tableClass = "score";
      } else {
         var style_winTime = colHighLightStyle;
         var style_score = "";
         var tableClass = "score";

      let editColumnTitle = "editor usage \ne: wall-and-pin edits enabled \na: changed attributes \nw: movement of wall or pin " + 
                                         "\nh: direct movement of puck (ball in hand) \nc: edits to the capture \nd: host deleted something";
      // Ghost-ball pool and projectile games
      if ([3,4,5].includes( gW.getDemoIndex())) {
         var tableString = "<table class='" + tableClass + "'><tr align='right'>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader'></td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='client name \n or \nnickname (client name)'>name</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='" +timeTip()+ "' " +style_winTime+ ">time</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='" +scoreTip()+ "' " +style_score+ ">score</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='monitor frames per second'>fps</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='inverse of the physics timestep'>ipt</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='virtual gamepad was used during game'>vp</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='" +editColumnTitle+ "'>edit</td>" +
      // Jello Madness      
      } else if (gW.getDemoIndex() == 6) {
         var tableString = "<table class='" + tableClass + "'><tr align='right'>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader'></td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='client name \n or \nnickname (client name)'>name</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='time (seconds) to untangle the jello (separate the pucks)' " +style_winTime+ ">time</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='human players'>p</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='monitor frames per second'>fps</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='inverse of the physics timestep'>ipt</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='" +editColumnTitle+ "'>edit</td>" +
      // Puck Popper      
      } else if ([7,8].includes( gW.getDemoIndex())) {
         var tableString = "<table class='" + tableClass + "'><tr align='right'>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader'></td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='client name \n or \nnickname (client name)'>name</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='seconds to win game (last puck standing)' " +style_winTime+ ">time</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='" +scoreTip()+ "' " +style_score+ ">score</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='human players'>p</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='drones'>d</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='monitor frames per second'>fps</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='inverse of the physics timestep'>ipt</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='virtual gamepad was used during game'>vp</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='friendly fire was prevented during game'>nf</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='mouse usage'>m</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='sleeping drones'>sl</td>" +
            "<td class='leaderboardHeader' title='" +editColumnTitle+ "'>edit</td>" +
      for (let score of lbResp.users) {
         // Highlight each row in the leader-board report that matches any row in the game result report.
         if ( checkIfInGameTable( score['userName'], score['winTime'], score['score'], score['index']) ) {
            var rowStyle = rowHighLightStyle;
            var style_score_td = "";
            var style_winTime_td = "";
         } else {
            var rowStyle = "";
            var style_score_td = style_score;
            var style_winTime_td = style_winTime;
         if (typeof score['winTime'] == 'number') {
            if (mode == 'score') {
               var timeResult = score['winTime'].toFixed(2);
            } else {
               var timeResult = score['winTime'].toFixed(2);
         } else {
            var timeResult = score['winTime'];
         // Ghost-ball pool and projectile games
         if ([3,4,5].includes( gW.getDemoIndex())) {
            tableString += "<tr align='right' " + rowStyle + ">" + 
               "<td class='leaderboardIndex'>" + rowIndex + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardName'                        >" + score['userName'].replace('(host)','(h)') + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore' " +style_winTime_td+ ">" + timeResult +                                "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore' " +style_score_td+   ">" + score['score'] +                            "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore'                       >" + score['frMonitor'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore'                       >" + score['hzPhysics'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore xmarks'                >" + score['virtualGamePad'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore edits'                 >" + score['editorUsage'] + "</td>" +
         // Jello Madness
         } else if (gW.getDemoIndex() == 6) {
            tableString += "<tr align='right' " + rowStyle + ">" + 
               "<td class='leaderboardIndex'>" + rowIndex + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardName'                        >" + score['userName'].replace('(host)','(h)') + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore' " +style_winTime_td+ ">" + timeResult +                                "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore'                       >" + score['nPeople'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore'                       >" + score['frMonitor'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore'                       >" + score['hzPhysics'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore edits'                 >" + score['editorUsage'] + "</td>" +
         // Puck Popper
         } else {
            tableString += "<tr align='right' " + rowStyle + ">" + 
               "<td class='leaderboardIndex'>" + rowIndex + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardName'                        >" + score['userName'].replace('(host)','(h)') + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore' " +style_winTime_td+ ">" + timeResult +                                "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore' " +style_score_td+   ">" + score['score'] +                            "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore'                       >" + score['nPeople'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore'                       >" + score['nDrones'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore'                       >" + score['frMonitor'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore'                       >" + score['hzPhysics'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore xmarks'                >" + score['virtualGamePad'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore xmarks'                >" + score['noFriendlyFire'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore xmarks'                >" + score['mouse'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore xmarks'                >" + score['npcSleep'] + "</td>" +
               "<td class='leaderboardScore edits'                 >" + score['editorUsage'] + "</td>" +
         rowIndex += 1;
      tableString += "</table>";
      return tableString;
   function sendScoreToSpreadSheet( mode, nR, peopleClients, gameVersion, n_people, n_drones, frameRate_monitor, frameRate_physics, noFriendlyFire, editorUsage) {
      var userName = peopleClients[ nR]['name'];
      var n_soloAndTeam = peopleClients.length;
      var userScore = peopleClients[ nR]['score'];
      var winner = peopleClients[ nR]['winner'];
      var mouse = peopleClients[ nR]['mouse'];
      var npcSleep = peopleClients[ nR]['npcSleep'];
      var virtualGamePad = peopleClients[ nR]['virtualGamePad'];
      var index = peopleClients[ nR]['randomIndex'];
      let outputMode;
      if (mode == "reportOnly") {
         mode = "report";
         userName = "reportOnly";
         outputMode = "reportOnly";
      } else {
         outputMode = mode;
      // The "Deployment ID" in this URL is found via the "Tools/Script editor/Select a project..." interface for the spreadsheet. Pick "Manage deployments" from the "Deploy" select element, upper right.
      // The "Deployment ID" does not give general access to the account. It only allows the web user to submit parameters to the doGet function in the spreadsheet project's script.
      var sheetURL = 'https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbw-MubGpT943K31y6df19zwraGf0GBMuKk9TlOd3yImYO5BSbDxeWTysuYqye0d4mQ_og/exec';
      // AJAX
      var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
      xhttp.open('GET', sheetURL + '?mode=' + mode + 
                                   '&userName=' + userName + '&score=' + userScore +  '&gameVersion=' + gameVersion + 
                                   '&winTime=' + winner +    '&mouse=' + mouse +      '&npcSleep=' + npcSleep +
                                   '&nPeople=' + n_people +  '&nDrones=' + n_drones + '&frMonitor=' + frameRate_monitor + '&hzPhysics=' + frameRate_physics + 
                                   '&virtualGamePad=' + virtualGamePad + '&noFriendlyFire=' + noFriendlyFire + '&editorUsage=' + editorUsage +
                                   '&index=' + index, true);
      xhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
         // If there is a response from the spreadsheet:
         if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
            // lbResp is short for leaderBoardResponse
            var lbResp = JSON.parse( this.responseText);
            if (lbResp.result == 'report') {
               // useful for testing:
               console.log('You, ' + lbResp.userID + ', placed ' + lbResp.userRank + ' of ' + lbResp.scoreCount + ' with a score of ' + lbResp.userScore);
               for (var i = 0; i < lbResp.users.length; i++) {
                  // Convert the date so can display it.
                  var recordDate = new Date(lbResp.users[i].date);
                  var recordDateString = recordDate.getDate() +'/'+ (recordDate.getMonth() + 1) +'/'+ recordDate.getFullYear() +' '+ recordDate.getHours() +':'+ recordDate.getMinutes();         
                  console.log(recordDateString + ', ' + lbResp.users[i].id + ', ' + lbResp.users[i].score);
               // Assemble the html needed to display the leaderboard query results in the chat panel.
               leaderBoardReport( lbResp, gameVersion, outputMode);
               console.log("leaderboard app:" + lbResp.version);
            } else {
               console.log( lbResp.result);
               if (lbResp.error) console.log( lbResp.error);
            // Keep (recursively) sending data until the last score (highest). Ask for a report in that last send.
            let reportMode = 'noReport';
            if ( (nR+1) < n_soloAndTeam ) { // 0 is first row. n_soloAndTeam-1 is last row.
               nR += 1;
               if (nR == n_soloAndTeam-1) reportMode = 'report'; // Do a final submission, and ask for a report from the spreadsheet.
               sendScoreToSpreadSheet( reportMode, nR, peopleClients, gW.getDemoVersion(), n_people, n_drones, frameRate_monitor, frameRate_physics, noFriendlyFire, editorUsage);
   function submitScoresThenReport() {
      let nR = 0;
      let peopleClients = [];
      // Ascending sort (this way the report gets issued on the highest score, last one.)
      cT.Client.scoreSummary.sort((a, b) => a['score'] - b['score']);
      // Make a subset of the scores to only include real people.
      let n_people = 0;
      let n_drones = 0;
      for (let score of cT.Client.scoreSummary) {
         // Filter out the NPC pucks here. And, only report solo and team scores, not team-member scores.
         if ( ! uT.oneOfThese(["NPC","."], score['name'])) {
            peopleClients.push( score);
         if (score['name'].includes("NPC")) {
         } else if (score['rawName'] != 'team') {
      let n_soloAndTeam = peopleClients.length;
      let frameRate_monitor = gW.dC.fps.innerHTML; //current observed refresh rate of the monitor
      let frameRate_physics = $('#FrameRate').val(); //timestep for engine
      let noFriendlyFire = (gW.dC.friendlyFire.checked) ? '':'x'; 
      let editorUsage = gW.hackerCheck();
      // Recursively send the scores. If only one player, go right to 'report' mode.
      if (n_soloAndTeam > 0) {
         let reportMode = (n_soloAndTeam == 1) ? 'report':'noReport'; 
         sendScoreToSpreadSheet( reportMode, nR, peopleClients, gW.getDemoVersion(), n_people, n_drones, frameRate_monitor, frameRate_physics, noFriendlyFire, editorUsage);
   function requestReportOnly( gameName) {
      hC.displayMessage("Game Summary (do not display)");
      let peopleClients = [];
      peopleClients.push( {'score':0, 'rawName':'none', 'nickName':'none', 'name':'none', 'virtualGamePad':'none', 'winner':'none', 'mouse':'none', 'npcSleep':'none', 'randomIndex':0} );                       
      sendScoreToSpreadSheet('reportOnly', 0, peopleClients, gameName, 0, 0, 60, 60, 'x');
   function reportGameResults() {
      let gameName;
      let demoBase = gW.getDemoVersion().slice(0,3);
      let demoIndex = gW.getDemoIndex();
      if ([7,8].includes( demoIndex)) {
         gameName = 'Puck Popper';
      } else if (['6.a','6.d'].includes( demoBase)) {
         gameName = 'Jello Madness';
      } else if (demoBase == '3.d') {
         gameName = 'Ghostball Pool';
      } else if (demoBase == '5.e') {
         gameName = 'Bipartisan Hoops';
      } else if (demoBase == '4.e') {
         gameName = 'Monkey Hunt';
      // Delete the old help link in leaderboard (in the prior report) before making one in the current report.
      $( ".helpLinkFromLB" ).remove();
      var firstLine = "Game Summary: <span style='color:brown'>" + gameName + "</span> (" + gW.getDemoVersion() + ")" +
                      "<span class='helpLinkFromLB' style='float:right'>(<a title='click or use the m key to toggle between help and leaderboard'" +
                      "onclick= \" $('#chkMultiplayer').trigger('click'); \" >help</a>)</span> </br><br class='score'>";
      // Jello Madness
      if (gW.getDemoIndex() == 6) {
         var summaryString = firstLine + 
            "<table class='score'><tr align='right'>" +
            "<td class='scoreHeader' title='client name \n or \nnickname (client name)'>name</td>" +
            "<td class='scoreHeader' title='time (seconds) to untangle the jello (separate the pucks)'>time</td>" +
         for (let score of cT.Client.scoreSummary) {
            summaryString += "<tr align='right'>" + 
            "<td class='score'>" + score['name']     + "</td>" + 
            "<td class='score'>" + score['winner']   + "</td>" + 
      // Ghost Pool and projectile games
      } else if ([3,4,5].includes( gW.getDemoIndex())) {
         var summaryString = firstLine + 
            "<table class='score'><tr align='right'>" +
            "<td class='scoreHeader' title='client name \n or \nnickname (client name)'>name</td>" +
            "<td class='scoreHeader' title='" +timeTip()+ "'>time</td>" +
            "<td class='scoreHeader' title='" +scoreTip()+ "'>score</td>" +
            "<td class='scoreHeader' title='virtual gamepad used during game'>vgp</td>" + 
         for (let score of cT.Client.scoreSummary) {
            summaryString += "<tr align='right'>" + 
            "<td class='score'>" + score['name']     + "</td>" + 
            "<td class='score'>" + score['winner']   + "</td>" + 
            "<td class='score'>" + score['score']    + "</td>" + 
            "<td class='score'>" + score['virtualGamePad'] + "</td>" +
      // Puck Popper
      } else {
         cT.Client.scoreSummary.sort((a, b) => b['score'] - a['score']);
         var summaryString = firstLine + 
            "<table class='score'><tr align='right'>" +
            "<td class='scoreHeader' title='client name \n or \nnickname (client name)'>name</td>" +
            "<td class='scoreHeader' title='seconds to win game (last puck standing)'>time</td>" +
            "<td class='scoreHeader' title='" +scoreTip()+ "'>score</td>" +
            "<td class='scoreHeader' title='mouse usage in the canvas area'>m</td>" +
            "<td class='scoreHeader' title='NPCs have been sleeping (ctrl-q)'>s</td>" +
            "<td class='scoreHeader' title='virtual gamepad used during game'>vgp</td>" + 
         // Check for any mouse usage by the players as you write out the rows.
         var someMouseFunnyBz = false;
         for (let score of cT.Client.scoreSummary) {
            if (score['mouse'] == 'x') someMouseFunnyBz = true;
            summaryString += "<tr align='right'>" + 
            "<td class='score'>" + score['name']     + "</td>" + 
            "<td class='score'>" + score['winner']   + "</td>" + 
            "<td class='score'>" + score['score']    + "</td>" + 
            "<td class='score'>" + score['mouse']    + "</td>" +
            "<td class='score'>" + score['npcSleep'] + "</td>" +
            "<td class='score'>" + score['virtualGamePad'] + "</td>" +
      // Now report the sorted score summary (pass in function to give descending numeric sort)
      summaryString += "</table>"
      hC.displayMessage( summaryString);
      // If any of the players or the host (without a puck player) used the mouse, mark everyone 
      // as suspect before doing the submission to the leaderboard. This appropriately blocks the case where the host
      // turns off his player and uses his mouse to delete the drones and lets one network player win.
      // That's clever, but that's not allowed.
      // (Notice the word "of" here. This type of for-of loop works nicely on arrays, and presents the item, not simply the index.)
      for (let score of cT.Client.scoreSummary) {
         // For Jello Madness, Ghost-ball pool and the projectile games, don't check for mouse usage. Mouse is always used.
         if ([3,4,5,6].includes( gW.getDemoIndex()) ) {
            score['mouse'] = '';
         } else {
            if (someMouseFunnyBz || gW.clients['local'].mouseUsage) score['mouse'] = 'x';
   // see comments before the "return" section of gwModule.js
   return {
      // Objects
      // Variables
      // Methods
      'reportGameResults': reportGameResults,
      'submitScoresThenReport': submitScoresThenReport,
